
2018-08-10 15:18

总的来说,与传统课堂相比,在线学习环境有很多优势。Evans和Fan(2002)提出了在线学习的三个主要好处,即地点独立、灵活的时间和适应学习节奏(如O'Donoghue, Singh & Green, 2004)。此外,电子学习使学习者能够选择适当的课程和学习材料,可以多次审查,以提高他们的理解和具体的技能,然而,学习者可能面临一些挑战和风险在线课程。Jingyu的研究(2014)表明不合理的时间管理可能会导致他们拖延的可能性。因此,学习者必须有很强的自我激励能力,明智的组织和计划来跟上在线课程的步伐。此外,另一个问题是缺乏面对面的交流。2011年的研究由英国普利茅斯大学暗示网络环境减少学生辅导员交互和与学习者的互动,这可能会导致孤立的感觉,根据Micu和Sinu(2012),基于web的工具都有各自的优势和劣势的教学和学习语言的翻译。在笔译教学上,他们依赖于互联网的可访问性。在学习翻译方面,Abraham表示(2003)学生可能会受益于“基于web的机器翻译网站、在线词典和与语言相关的网站是外语学习者经常查阅和使用的资源”(如Micu & Sinu, 2012,第124页)。然而,由于缺乏讨论和在课堂活动中使用这些资源,他们可能会错误地使用这些基于web的工具。另一个消极的方面是,来自互联网的资源并不总是可靠和高质量的,因为“任何人都可以在网上发布信息,包括非专家,网络文档并不总是像印刷文档那样需要进行编辑”
In general, online learning environment offers many advantages in comparison with traditional classrooms. Evans and Fan (2002) suggest three main benefits of learning online, namely place independence, flexible time and adaptive pace for study (as cited in O'Donoghue, Singh & Green, 2004). In addition, e-learning enables learners to select proper courses and learning material that can be reviewed as many times as necessary to enhance their understanding and specific skills  However, the learners may face several challenges and risks during online courses. Jingyu's study (2014) shows unreasonable time management may pose them to the possibility of procrastination. As a result, learners must have much self-motivation, wise organization and plan to keep up with online courses. Besides, another concern is the loss of face-to-face interaction. The 2011 study carried by the University of Plymouth implied that online environment reduced both student-instructor interaction and the interaction with learners' peers, which can cause feelings of isolation 。According to Micu and Sinu (2012), web-based tools has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of teaching and learning language translation. As to teaching written translation, they rely on the Internet accessibility. Regarding learning translation, Abraham indicates (2003) that students may benefit from "web-based machine translation sites, online dictionaries, and language-related websites are sources that may frequently be consulted and used by foreign language learners" (as cited in Micu & Sinu, 2012, p. 124). However, they may misguidedly use these web-based tools due to lack of discussion and employment of such resources as part of their class activities. Another negative aspect is that resources from the Internet are not always reliable and of good quality since "anyone can post information on the Web, including non-experts, and Web documents are not always subject to an editing process in the same way that printed documents usually are"