
2017-03-04 11:25

事实上,事实上,我们并不真的目睹了肖恩·马洛尼夫人的偏心和担忧直到她连胜将冒犯羊腿的警察片的最后几行,反应如此诡异”,在另一个房间里,Mary Maloney开始傻笑[ 8 ],”增加了戏剧反讽鲜明的元素这个故事。而不是轻微的稳步建设的房东害怕,达尔反而增加了堕落的疯狂的潜力作为一种扭曲,没有体现到这个故事的时候她给军官的羊肉末。当然,观众都知道发生了什么事,慢慢用情感语言来描述他们的达尔使用的凶器”他们的声音厚和草率,因为他们的口中充满了肉类消费,[ 9 ],因此可以看到一个真正的差异,警察的反应'脆弱的女人,真的之间,他们拒绝接受,因为她已经检查了自己的反应,在离开家之前。有更多的耳语,并通过她的啜泣,她听到了一些低声的话-“……行为相当正常…非常高兴……不可能,她…[ 10 ] 达尔,这个故事带来了不少难题。当然,这个女人在被冤枉的时候,观众并没有明确说出为什么,但我们推测这位绅士是留给她另一个女孩的,她的反应似乎是一时冲动报复的攻击。让读者自己去决定他们是否应该同情凶手,我个人对她的回应是一种理解和同情,但他把这种扭曲的笑到最后的故事是一个扭曲的故事整个透视装置。


Indeed, the fact that we do not really witness Mrs Maloney’s eccentric and worrying streak until the last few lines of the piece where she feeds the offending leg of lamb to the police officers and reacts so spookily ‘And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle[8],’ adds a distinct element of dramatic irony to the story. Rather than the slight steadily building fear of the landlady, Dahl instead adds the potential of depraved madness as a twist that does not manifest itself until the end of this story when she feed the officers the lamb. Of course, the audience knows what has happened, and squirm with the emotive language Dahl uses to describe their consumption of the murder weapon ‘their voices thick and sloppy because their mouths were full of meat,[9]’ and thus can see a real discrepancy between the policeman’s reaction to the ‘vulnerable woman’ and the truth that they refuse to accept, simply because she has checked her reactions before leaving the house. ‘there was more whispering, and through her sobbing she heard a few of the whispered phrases-”...acted quite normal...very cheerful.....impossible that she….[10]”
Dahl, in this story is bringing up quite a conundrum. Of course, the woman in question has been wronged, the audience is not explicitly told why but we presume the gentleman is leaving her for another girl, and her reaction seems to be a spur of the moment revenge attack. Leaving the readers to decide for themselves whether or not they should empathise with the murderer, and my personal response to her was one of pity and understanding, he nonetheless throws this twisted chuckle into the end of the story as a device to twist the whole perspective of the tale.
