澳洲教育学作业代写 包容

2020-03-02 04:23

包容就是创造一个让所有孩子都感到受欢迎、受重视和受尊重的课堂。Morley等人(2005)认为,作为教师,管理包容性教育环境至关重要。政府政策规定“主流学校有义务容忍所有有特殊教育需求和残疾的学生(SEND)与那些没有SEND的学生一起参加活动”(教育部,2015)。尽管如此,许多教师仍然担心采用包容性,主要关注专业发展、规划时间和满足所有学生的需求(霍恩和蒂蒙斯,2009 & Crawford, 2011)。2018年,送学生上学的人数上升到14.8%(英国教育部,2018年)。由于这个数字高,重要的是,学校是包容的实践与发送学生可能面临明显更大的挑战比大多数同龄人,在学习或有残疾阻碍他们获得主流教育中的教学和设施通常设置。与SEND相比,学生与同龄人的学习成绩差距也很大(Education Endowment Foundation, 2018)。学校在我的位置,我调查的方式发送学生需要得到满足在日常学校生活和体育教育(PE)课程(见附件1)。在我询问,我看到一个学生8年(学生1)与一种罕见的神经肌肉关节弯曲多路复用先天性(AMC),遗传条件导致孩子有多个关节弯曲。我的研究是从相关文献和政府政策开始的,这些文献和政策关注的是送学生入读普通学校的问题,然后我把研究范围缩小到体育课程中的入读条款。
澳洲教育学作业代写 包容
Inclusion is about creating a classroom in which all children feel welcomed, valued and respected. Morley, et al (2005) believes that as a teacher it is vital to managing an inclusive educational environment. Government policy states that “mainstream schools have a duty to endure all students with special educational needs and disability (SEND) take part in activities alongside those without SEND”(Department for Education, 2015). Despite this many teachers have concerns adopting inclusion with primary concerns over professional development, planning time and meeting needs of all students (Horne and Timmons, 2009 & Crawford, 2011). The number of SEND pupils in schools has risen to 14.8% in 2018, (Department for Education, 2018). Due to this high number, it is important that schools are inclusive in their practice as pupils with SEND might face significantly greater challenges in learning than the majority of their peers, or have a disability which hinders their access to the teaching and facilities typically found in mainstream educational settings. There is also a very large attainment gap between pupils with SEND and their peers (Education Endowment Foundation, 2018).In my placement school, I investigated the ways in which SEND pupils needs are met in daily school life and during Physical Education (PE) lessons (see appendix 1). During my enquiry, I observed a pupil in Year 8 (Pupil 1) with a rare neuromuscular condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenital (AMC), a genetic condition which causes children to have multiple curved joints. My research started by looking at relevant literature and government policy that looked at general school inclusion for SEND pupils and then I narrowed this down to research on provisions for inclusion in PE. 
