澳洲历史学作业代写 罗马帝国皇帝

2020-04-05 00:09

到14世纪中叶,神圣罗马帝国皇帝的角色作为一种增加社会和经济财富的方式比作为一种政治权威更有价值。皇帝可以从意大利和德国获得收入。从1355年到1378年,卢森堡的查理四世在他的统治期间面临着许多挑战,包括缺乏法律结构和行政管理,缺乏财政,以及一个分散的帝国来建立他的帝国头衔。在通过金牛法案给予世俗统治者实质上的独立后,查理不得不在自己和帝国财产之间达成一致的基础上,为中央集权的君主或国家封建制的统治地位而斗争。赋予选举人的权力引起了那些与维特尔斯巴赫(Wittelsbach)和哈布斯堡王朝(Habsburg dynasties)一样没有被选中的人的敌意。那些嫉妒的人质疑查理对改革和统一德国的贡献。德国的领土分裂和缺乏统一的中央权力,导致了帝国政治、经济和文化的显著差异。查理无法在他的臣民或宫廷中行使他的立法权,主要是由于缺乏资金。在腓特烈二世统治时期,大部分的皇家领地都消失了,所以皇城占据了大部分的皇家收入,但却依赖于捐助人的善意。皇室财产被授予授予封臣的利益。该制度允许国王提高税收,而受益人将使用封地的资源来维持自己的生活,并代表君主履行职责。这种制度的问题在于,一旦一个家族拥有一个封地超过两代,它就会鼓励世袭所有制、权力上升和统治精英的想法。诸侯对帝国的间接控制是进入早期现代性的重要治理手段。查尔斯四世致力于为他的儿子和卢森堡王室建立权力和地位。他的长子文塞斯劳斯被选为罗马国王,这是神圣罗马皇帝头衔的主要来源。根据新的金牛法案,选举人可以为自己投票,因此查尔斯四世将他的儿子文塞斯劳斯命名为波西米亚国王,以确保卢森堡宫的选举资格,这将帮助查尔斯的次子西吉斯蒙德。对于西吉斯蒙德来说,查尔斯成功地将他娶到了匈牙利的女继承人,并于1387年立他为匈牙利的国王,随后巩固了权力并建立了横跨欧洲的卢森堡公国。查尔斯死后,王位的贫弱是他疏于管理的最明显的标志。他在《德国遗嘱》中成功地保护了波西米亚人,与他的孩子们有利的婚姻一起,突出了他对王朝的关注。
澳洲历史学作业代写 罗马帝国皇帝
The role of Holy Roman Emperor by the mid-fourteenth century was more valuable as a way to increase social and economic wealth rather than for political authority. Emperors could receive incomes from Italy and Germany. Charles IV of Luxembourg faced many challenges during his reign from 1355-1378 including a lack of legal structure and administration, a lack of finances, and a fragmented Empire on which to establish his imperial title. After granting lay rulers virtual independence, through the Golden Bull, Charles had to struggle for dominance of a centralized monarch or a stately-feudal character on the basis of accord between himself and the Imperial Estates. The power given to the electors created hostility from those not chosen along with the Wittelsbach and Habsburg dynasties. Those envious challenged Charles’ contribution to a reformed and unified Germany. Germany’s territorial fragmentation and the lack of a consistent central power contributed to the development of distinctive differences within the Empire’s politics, economy and culture. Charles could not enforce his legislative authority over his subjects or in the royal court, mostly due to lack of money. Under Frederick II most of the royal domains had been lost, so the imperial cities made up most of the royal income but were reliant on the good will of the contributors. Royal possessions were granted as benefices[11] entrusted to vassals. The system allowed the king to raise taxes whilst the beneficiaries would use the resources from the fief to sustain themselves and carry out duties on behalf of the monarchy. The problem with this system was that once a fief had been in possession of a family for more than two generations it encouraged thoughts of hereditary ownership, a rise in power and ruling elites. The indirect control of the Empire that the vassals held was an important means of governance into early modernity.Charles IV concentrated on establishing power and status for his sons and House Luxembourg. His eldest son Wenceslaus was elected as King of the Romans, a predominant claim to the title of Holy Roman Emperor. Electors could vote for themselves under the new Golden Bull, so Charles IV named his son Wenceslaus the king of Bohemia securing an electorship for the House of Luxembourg which would go on to help Charles’ second son Sigismund. For Sigismund, Charles successfully married him to the heiress of Hungary making him the king of Hungary in 1387, subsequently consolidating power and establishing the house of Luxembourg across Europe Luxembourg across Europe. After Charles’ death the poverty of the Crown is the clearest indicator of his imperial neglect. Whilst his successes in securing Bohemia in the German will, alongside his children’s advantageous marriages, highlight his consumption in his dynastic concerns.