
2017-08-03 16:01

虽然较不发达国家倾向于研究较发达国家向它们学习,但发达国家则更倾向于看处于同一经济和教育水平的国家进行跨国比较。这方面的例子是以美国为模型的国家数量。瑞士在20世纪90年代中期,除了寻找到美国,还聘请了美国顾问制定学校改革方案(斯坦纳Khamsi 2002,第76页引述布雷2007,p.18)。另一方面,美国也了解到其他国家的(莱文2010,在www.kappanmagazine。org p.96)像东亚(Bray 2007 p.21-22)在美国教育部由日本教育研究出来的好的做法12原则。教育工作者和政策制定者前往芬兰,这是比萨前三个回合中表现最好的国家,目的是为了找到在比萨取得高分的教育成功的关键。像思科和麦肯锡这样的私营公司正在发布关于全世界教育质量的报告。然而,这些比较仅限于所使用的参照组或标准的性质:也就是说,它们通常仅限于与被评价的系统相似的学校系统。当决策者审视过去,为未来学习,正如英国决策者在1980年间所做的那样,与他们自己的过去相比,而不是与其他国家相比。有时候,与前辈比较的原因是看社会如何发展,以及从过去的错误中吸取教训。
While less developed countries have a tendency to look at more developed countries to learn from them, more developed countries tent to look at countries that are on the same economic and educational level to make cross-national comparisons. Examples of this are number of countries that looked at USA as their model. Switzerland in mid-1990 apart from looking up to USA, it also hired American consultants to develop a reform package for schools (Steiner- Khamsi 2002, p.76 as cited in Bray 2007, p.18). On the other hand, America learned also from other countries (Levin 2010, p.96 in like East Asia, (Bray 2007, p.21-22) where the US department of education made an intensive study of Japanese education and came out with 12 principles of good practices. Educators and policy makers went to Finland, which is the top-performing country in the first three rounds of PISA, in order to find the key to education success to achieve high marks in PISA. Private companies like Cisco and McKinsey, are issuing reports on the quality of education around the world.Comparisons across time provide information about improvement or decline over the years like comparing the different periods in the history of education. These comparisons though are limited in the nature of the reference groups or criteria used: that is they are usually limited to school systems similar to those being evaluated. When policy makers look at the past to learn for the future as the British policy makers used to do in 1980's to make comparisons with their own past rather than with other countries. Sometimes the reason to compare with the predecessors is to see how the society has developed as well as to learn from the mistakes that were done in the past