
2017-04-01 01:10

甚至从一个简短的一瞥,立即明显,迄今为止,媒体反对伊斯兰教主要针对穆斯林男子。这毫不奇怪,因为坚定的父权宗教性质但当这是放在性别身份的大背景下,媒体和犯罪发现妖魔化女性的倾向于避开一直是新闻的重要组成部分的饮食很长一段时间。描绘在媒体上时,女性罪犯通常形容这样边缘化他们的温柔,使它们看起来更阳刚,女人应该如何表现的像差。玛拉欣德利的案例研究,最近,卡尔玛克辛,展示了媒体是如何不舒服报告由女性犯罪,而是专注于他们的男性co -阴谋家和杀人的动机。女性受害者的代表也可以加强现有的性别划分与底层问题固有的男性权力的过度报道强奸和性犯罪(李,1995:107 - 130)。结果,女子监狱人口明显低于男性,只是最近固有的种族和宗教歧视在英国媒体已经将注意力转到伊斯兰妇女戴面纱与参数有关的最新定义似乎是犯罪新闻的想法。
From even a brief glance, it is immediately noticeable that, hitherto, the media campaign against Islam has been directed predominantly at Muslim men. This is not altogether surprising, given the staunchly patriarchal nature of the religion yet when this is placed into the broader context of gender identity, media and crime one finds that the tendency to steer clear of demonising women has been a staple part of the press’ diet over a very long period of time. When they are portrayed in the media, women criminals are usually described in such a way as to marginalise their femininity to make them appear more masculine; an aberration of how a woman should behave. The case study of Myra Hindley and, more recently, Maxine Carr, shows how the media is uncomfortable with reporting crimes committed by women, preferring to concentrate on their male co‑conspirators and their murderous motivations instead. The representation of female victims also serves to strengthen existing gender divides with the underlying issue of male power inherent in the excessive reporting of rape and sex crimes (Lees, 1995:107‑130). As a result, the women’s prison population is significantly lower than that of men and it is only very recently that the inherent racial and religious prejudice at work in the British media has turned its attention to Islamic women with the arguments relating to the wearing of the veil seeming to be the latest definition of criminality in the minds of the press.