
2019-02-11 02:07

成功的变更管理的另一个重要方面是了解对组织重要的价值以及组织想要实现的总体目标。专注于对那些与整体组织目标相关的变革机会做出反应,而不是对每一个变革邀请做出反应,有助于公司做出明智和实际的决定(Mosca, 2011)。由于全球化和全面的资源开发,新的力量和改变的机会正在以前所未有的速度发生,根据组织或其利益相关者的需要制定响应和积极的行动是非常重要的(Bataldon, 1998)。缺乏理性的不断变化会导致消极的组织绩效,因为不必要的变化会消耗公司的资源,包括财力和人力。雇佣大量员工的大型组织,由于变得过于官僚,其绩效不会得到提升。正如Steiner所指出的那样,那些被认为是官僚主义和等级制度的组织的灵活性更低,更不愿意改变,也不太可能授权给他们的员工(Steiner, 2001)。如果企业坚持让员工只做他们被告知的事情,那么他们就不能从员工身上得到充分的价值。因此,领导者必须学会如何管理变革,才能成功地前进。在一个组织中,没有管理变更的“最佳方法”。组织必须引入适应其特定需求和需求的组织变更方法.
Another important aspect of successful change management is knowing the values that matter to the organization and the overall goals the organization wants to achieve. Focusing on reacting to those opportunities for change relevant to overall organizational goals, as opposed to reacting to every invitation for change, helps companies to make smart and practical decisions (Mosca, 2011). Due to globalization and overall resource development, new forces and opportunities for change are occurring more rapidly than ever, it is important to develop responses and proactive actions that align according to an organization’s, or their stakeholder’s needs (Bataldon, 1998). Constant change with a lack of reasoning leads to negative organizational performance, as unnecessary change is a drain on company resources, including financial, and human alike. Large organizations, which employ a high number of employees, will not perform as they become exceedingly bureaucratic. As stated by Steiner, organizations that are known to be bureaucratized and hierarchical are less flexible, and less willing to change, as well as less likely to empower their staff (Steiner, 2001). Organizations will not get full value from their employees if they insist that employees do only what they are told. Therefore, leaders must learn how to manage change, to move forward with successfully. There is no “one best way” to manage change in an organization. Organizations must introduce approaches to organizational change which matches their specific needs, and requirements