
2019-07-11 10:08

澳大利亚的狗的数量已经显著增加到341万只,而猫的数量在2009年是235万只。随着堪培拉人口的增长趋势,2011年堪培拉人口增加到367,800人,与十年前相比增长了15%(澳大利亚统计局2012年)。1993年进行的一项调查(Revill 1994)表明,ACT估计的狗的数量已经达到36,000只,在今天,这个数字将变得非常可观。研究饲养宠物的行为被认为是他们的宠物家庭的一部分,并进一步表明愿意在他们的宠物上花钱(RSPCA, 2005)。堪培拉最大的郊区人口分布在Belconnen地区,其次是Tuggeranong,分别为90,700和89,300 (ACT Chief Minister 's Department 2010)。这一信息表明,在这些地区推广移动宠物美容服务的可能性更大。由于Belconnen Belconnen是堪培拉的市中心,那些离开这里的人可能会寻求更方便的服务,以便从快速的生活方式中释放自己,以及照顾宠物。由于澳洲Pet Mobile是一种服务驱动,可以直接站在客户门前,所以对于这家公司的配送要求限制非常小。然而,郊区人口众多,可能会有更多的需求。
The population of dogs in Australia has increased significantly to 3.41 million whereas the cat population was 2.35 million in 2009. With the growing tendency in population of Canberra, the number of people has increased to 367,800 in 2011, which represents 15% growth rate compared with ten years ago(Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012). A survey conducted in 1993 (Revill 1994) that the estimation of the dog population in ACT has reached 36,000, and the number of amount will become extremely considerable at nowadays. Examine on behaviour of raising pets is considered their pet as part of the family and further indication in willing to cost money in their pet (RSPCA, 2005). The largest suburb population in Canberra is distributed in Belconnen area, and followed by Tuggeranong with 90,700, 89,300 respectively (ACT Chief Minister’s Department 2010). This information makes it clear that there is more possibility to promote mobile pet grooming service in those areas. Since Belconnen is the town centre of Canberra, of those people who leaves in there might pursue more convenient services for available releasing themselves from fast lifestyle, as well as taking care of pets. As Aussie Pet Mobile is a drive in service which could be directly in front of customers’ door, the distribution requirement has very less limitation on this company. However, there might be more demand in the large population of suburbs.