
2019-01-10 23:50

肥胖成年人营养知识问卷由Feren, Torheim, & Lillegaard(2010)开发。调查问卷的编制过程有四个主要步骤。第一步是形成一个结构,包括收集有关营养知识的文献综述。这样做是为了描述问卷的范围。在文献综述中收集信息后,制定了四个主要部分来评估知识水平。第二步是根据文献综述生成项目。273个项目是在现有的6份营养知识问卷的基础上产生的,并由一个专家小组检查内容效度和表面效度。最后得出98个项目。第三步是对问卷内部一致性和项目难度进行初步研究。这一程序经专家小组协商后,将项目减至94个。第四步是对其进行结构效度和重现性的反复测试。最终的问卷在整个过程中有91个项目。Okolie, Ijeoma, Peace, & Ngozi(2009)采用描述性研究设计,了解尼日利亚Umuahia Abia州联邦医疗中心糖尿病患者的糖尿病管理和控制知识。该样本包括96名在研究期间到Umuahia联邦医疗中心就诊的糖尿病患者。数据收集的工具是通过查阅近期有关糖尿病知识和自我管理的文献,构建的问卷。5名尼日利亚注册护士评估了面部有效性,然后在另一家医院进行了试点测试。研究前对问卷进行了重新测试,以验证问卷的可靠性。
A nutrition knowledge questionnaire for obese adults was developed by Feren, Torheim, & Lillegaard (2010). The process of developing the questionnaire had four main steps. The first step was to evolve a structure that involved collecting literature review about the knowledge of nutrition. This was done to describe the scope of the questionnaire. After the information was collected from the literature review, four main sections to assess the knowledge level were formulated. The second step was to generate the items based on the literature review. 273 items were generated based on six existing nutrition knowledge questionnaires and checked for content validity and face validity by an expert panel. Finally this resulted in 98 items. The third step was to pilot study the questionnaire for internal consistency and item difficulty. This procedure reduced the items to 94 after consultation from the expert panel. The fourth step was to test and re-test it for construct validity and reproducibility. The final questionnaire had 91 items after the entire process.A descriptive research design was used by Okolie, Ijeoma, Peace, & Ngozi (2009) to understand the Knowledge of diabetes management and control by diabetic patients at Federal Medical Center Umuahia Abia State, Nigeria. The sample included 96 diabetic patients who went to Federal Medical Centre Umuahia during the time of study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire that was constructed after going through the recent literature on diabetes knowledge and self-management. The face validity was assessed by five Nigerian registered nurses after which a pilot test was conducted at another hospital. The questionnaire was also tested for the reliability by re-testing it before the study.