莫纳什Monash代写assignment 亚马逊

2020-04-26 16:51

无论年轻、年老、富有还是贫穷,被称为亚马逊(Amazon)的在线市场都得到了全球各行各业的认可。1995年,这家市值10亿美元的公司的历史,都始于创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)。该公司投入市场,准备在大众中测试他们的威力。我们今天熟知并喜爱的电子商务巨头被命名为“无情”,这是由亚马逊的第一个律师托德·塔尔伯特(Todd Tarbert)介绍的。贝佐斯决定使用亚马逊这个名字,因为它是世界上最大的河流。他几乎不知道,亚马逊会成为最大的在线零售商。一个合适的名字用来做事后回顾。该公司通过三个不同的渠道运营:一个北美分支机构,几个国际分支机构,以及他们举世闻名的亚马逊网络服务。在线零售商扩大了他们的商品选择,包括独立的第三方卖家。就在几年前,亚马逊已经制造并销售了他们自己的电子设备,比如非常流行的Kindle。亚马逊看到了杂货行业创新的潜力,于是它开始寻找最受欢迎的健康食品超市特许经销权之一——全食超市(Whole Foods)。亚马逊以惊人的140亿美元收购了全食超市。亚马逊在2017年8月签署了这项协议,将业务范围扩大到零售的杂货领域。收购拥有约460家门店的全食超市(Whole Foods),是亚马逊在实体店领域的一项长期投资。亚马逊不断创新,不仅仅是在网上,而是在实体店,提供无现金支付和快速送货服务。虽然杂货销售在美国经济中占了绝大多数,但由于缺乏提供在线杂货购物的网点,它在网上销售中所占的比例仍然很小。随着亚马逊对整个市场统治地位的不可抑制的渴望,他们开始引入新的和创新的方式来永远改变购物体验。最近几个月出现了一种新型的商店,它被称为Amazon Go,让人们得以一窥未来将会提供什么。Amazon Go是一家完全自主的商店,它使用红外激光扫描顾客放入购物车的每一件商品,使老式的收银员甚至自助结账系统变得过时。由于这是亚马逊计划未来在实体店购物的方向,只有时间才能告诉我们这将对零售商和整个市场产生怎样的转变。
莫纳什Monash代写assignment 亚马逊
Young, old, rich or poor, the online marketplace known as Amazon is recognized by all walks of life all over the globe. In 1995, the history of the billion-dollar company, all started with their founder Jeff Bezos. The company was launched into the market, ready to test their prowess on the masses. The e-commerce giant that we know and love today, was slated to be called “Relentless”, which was introduced by one of Amazon’s first lawyer, Todd Tarbert. Bezos decided to settle on the name, Amazon, since it’s the largest river in the world. Little did he know, Amazon would go on to become the largest online retailer. A fitting name for looking back in hindsight. The company operated through three different channels: A North American branch, several international branches, and their world-renowned Amazon web services. The online retailer expanded their merchandise selection to include independent third-party sellers. As of a few years ago, Amazon has manufactured and sold electronic devices of their own like the very popular Kindle. Amazon saw the potential to innovate the grocery industry, so it sought after one of the most popular health food supermarket franchises, Whole Foods. Amazon acquired Whole Foods for an astounding $14 billion. Amazon inked the deal in August of 2017, which extended their reach into the grocery sector of retail sales. By acquiring Whole Foods, which has around 460 stores, is a long-term investment by Amazon into the brick and mortar sector. Amazon continues to innovate, not just online, but in the brick and mortars with features like a cashless payment and a speedy delivery service. While grocery sales dominate a large majority of the US economy, it remains a small percentage of online sales due to the lack outlets offering online grocery shopping. With Amazon’s unquenchable thirst for total market domination, they set out to introduce new and innovative ways to change the shopping experience forever. A new kind of store has emerged in recent months that give a glimpse into what the future has to offer, and it’s called Amazon Go. Amazon Go is a fully autonomous store which runs on infrared lasers scanning every item the customer puts into their shopping cart, making the old cashier and even self-checkout system obsolete. Since this is the direction Amazon plans on taking the future of in store shopping, only time will tell what kind of shift this will have on retailers and the market in general.