
2019-03-05 21:12

英国市场的一个关键问题,但也看到了Next更广泛的欧洲市场的人口老龄化(英国议会,2012年)。这可能会被视为一个问题,但也是下一个机会。一方面,一个老龄化的人口可能会看到下一个不得不调整其产品组合,以确保公司提供的产品能够吸引这一老龄化人口。此外,人口老龄化的前景可能还会导致,随着时间的推移,市场对越来越小的年轻人口的竞争在未来变得更加激烈。尽管有这些缺点,但也有与此相关的优点。考虑到老龄化人口的流动性往往不如年轻人口,这可能是Next的一个关键优势,因为它的送货上门和在线商业模式为这个问题提供了方便的解决方案。其他社会文化因素包括,考虑到自二战以来,英国已经成为一个日益多元的文化国家,各种文化、种族和民族的涌入都有助于英国社会制度的社会文化背景(Shepherd, 2010)。其次,这不仅有外部影响,比如将产品范围与特定的文化领域相结合,在人员流失方面,公司还必须确保自己处理的问题,比如在自己的组织中管理多样性。在这种情况下,文化多样性的增加既是竞争优势的来源,也是冲突的潜在来源(Liff, 1997, Ivancevich et al, 2010)。随着欧盟的扩张,以及新成员国进一步融入欧盟,英国劳动力和消费者市场日益多元化的趋势很可能会增加,而不是减少。
One of the key issues in the UK market, but also seen across Next’s wider European markets is the general aging of the population (Parliament UK, 2012). This may be seen as both problematic but also an opportunity for Next. One the one hand, an ageing population may see Next having to adapt its product portfolio in an attempt to ensure that the products supplied by company appeal to this aging demographic of the population. In addition, the prospect of an aging population may also see that competition for the increasingly smaller younger demographics of the market becomes more intense for Next as time progresses. Despite these drawbacks, there are also advantages linked to the issue. On consideration is that ageing populations tend to be less mobile than younger demographics, this may be a key advantage for Next given that its home delivery and online business model offer a convenient solution to the problem.Other socio-cultural factors include the consideration that the UK has since World War Two become an increasingly culturally diverse nation with an influx of diverse cultures, races and ethnicities all contributing towards the socio-cultural backdrop of the UK social system (Shepherd, 2010). For Next, this has not only external implications such as those linked to aligning product ranges to specific cultural segments, in attrition, the company musty also ensure that it deals with issues such as managing diversity in the context of its own organisation. In this case, increased cultural diversity can be seen as both a source of a competitive advantage yet also a potential source of conflict (Liff, 1997, Ivancevich et al, 2010). As EU expansion takes place and the new member states become further integrated into the EU, there is a distinct possibility that the trends for increased diversity in the UK’s labour and consumer markets will increase rather than decrease.