悉尼代写assignment 塑料和环境

2020-02-19 01:37

塑料的发现对人类来说是革命性的,因为它在材料和生产方面有很多好处。自20世纪70年代中期以来,塑料的使用在世界范围内急剧增加。2016年7月,工业生态学家罗兰·盖耶博士向《科学进展》杂志报告称,在所有83亿吨塑料中,目前有80%是海洋垃圾。塑料废物的高比率是由于这些废物大多只使用一次。《卫报》报道称,“全球共售出4800亿个塑料瓶。到2016年,每分钟产量高达100万瓶,其中1100亿瓶是由饮料巨头可口可乐生产的。”《国家地理》杂志报道说,“每年,估计有180亿磅的塑料垃圾从沿海地区进入世界海洋。这相当于地球上每一英尺的海岸线上都堆满了五袋塑料垃圾。”所有不同类型的塑料都聚集在特定的地方。其中一个地方被称为大太平洋垃圾带。这是一片巨大的垃圾,位于海洋表面,覆盖北太平洋数百公里,1997年被查尔斯船长发现。摩尔回忆说,在《发现太平洋大漩涡》中。“我的眼睛所能看到的,都是塑料。这似乎难以置信,但我从未找到一个干净的地方。在穿越副热带高压的那一周,无论我在什么时候看,塑料碎片到处都是。大太平洋垃圾带(Great Pacific garbage patch)所称的“垃圾岛”是世界上5块可见海洋垃圾中最大的一块。科学报告中的一项研究称,“被称为大太平洋垃圾带的物质大约有160万平方公里”,大约是安大略省的1.5倍,是法国的3倍。它位于加利福尼亚和夏威夷之间。大部分碎片是放在水面上的不重要的塑料,它们不是立即可见的。然而,大量的这些废物是由纳米颗粒组成的,通常被称为海洋环境专家的“塑料汤”。
悉尼代写assignment 塑料和环境
 The discovery of plastics was revolutionary for all mankind due to its many benefits in the material and what it was able to produce. The use of plastic has been cumulative dramatically worldwide since the mid-1970s. In July 2016, Industrial ecologist Dr. Roland Geyer reported to the Journal Science Advances that of all plastics fabricated at 8.3 billion tones, 80% of this total sum is presently waste in the ocean. High rates of plastic waste is due to the fact that most of these wastes are used only once. The guardian reported that, “480 billion plastic bottles were sold globally. By 2016 a production of bottles was as high as a million per minute and 110 billion of those were made by drinks giant Coca Cola”. National geographic reports that, “Each year, an estimated 18 billion pounds of plastic waste enters the world’s ocean from coastal regions. That’s about equivalent to five grocery bags of plastic trash piled up on every foot of coastline on the planet”. All different types of plastic is accumulated on enormous areas in specific locations. One of these locations is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It’s a huge patch of waste sitting on the surface of the ocean that covers hundreds of kilometers across the North Pacific that was discovered in 1997 by Captain Charles. In spotting the Great Pacific Gyre, Moore recalled. “I was confronted, as far as the eye could see, with the sight of plastic. It seemed unbelievable, but I never found a clear spot. In the week it took to cross the subtropical high, no matter what time of day I looked, plastic debris was floating everywhere”. The garbage island known also by the Great Pacific Garbage patch is the largest of five patches of visible sea debris in the world. A study in Scientific Reports said “the mass known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is about 1.6 million square kilometers”, approximately one and half the size of Ontario or three time the size of France. It is found midway among California and Hawaii. Most of the debris is insignificant plastic resting on the water that are not instantly visible. However, large amounts of these wastes are made up of nanoparticles, commonly named marine environment experts as, “plastic soup“.