悉尼心理学assignment代写 阅读

2020-06-18 01:09

我们的目的是检验包装文字是否能减少Stroop效应。每个人都知道,一旦你学会了阅读,我们在不同的条件下都能很容易地做到,但有时这个简单的过程会被打断,阅读就会变得不那么简单。当我们必须说出单词的颜色而不是单词的名称时,就会出现Stroop效应(例如,黑色可能会被印成红色,我们必须说出单词的颜色而不是单词的颜色)。在一个正常的Stroop任务中,参与者被要求说出清单上单词的墨水颜色,而在一个改变了的Stroop任务中,记录完成每个清单所花费的时间。结果表明,在改变了的Stroop任务上给墨水颜色命名可以减少Stroop效应。这个实验的目的是为了检验“Stroop任务”指的是哪一个任务。在这个任务中,参与者被给予一列有颜色的单词,并被要求说出每个单词的墨水颜色(Stroop, 1992)。Stroop效应是指当单词的颜色与单词的名称不匹配时,延迟的反应时间。对于心理学家来说,参与者能够多快地说出墨水的颜色是很重要的,因为它告诉我们一些关于处理过程中的注意力的事情(MacLeod, 1991)。Stroop创建了一个颜色单词任务来研究冲突过程之间的干扰,他用五个单词和匹配的墨水颜色(蓝、红、绿、紫和棕色)来测试。Stroop发现,“单词会引起单一的阅读反应,而颜色会引起多种反应,因此命名颜色比读单词慢”(MacLeod, 1991)。MacLeod(1991)讨论了一致性对任务的影响,他提出,如果油墨颜色和单词相同,处理速度,命名其颜色,将增加。另一方面,如果油墨颜色与字不同,则色彩的命名性能就会受损。Cattell(1886)认为阅读单词是一种自动反应。读单词是一个简单而主要的过程,当我们看到一个单词时,我们会自动读出来,但是命名颜色就不一样了。
悉尼心理学assignment代写 阅读
 We aimed to examined whether wraped words can reduce the Stroop effect.  Everyone knows that once you learn to read, we do it very easily under different conditions but sometimes this simple process can be interrupted and the reading will does not seem so simple.  The Stroop effect occurs when we must say the ink colour of the word but not the name of the word (e.g. black might printed in red and we must say the ink colour rather of the word than the word).  Participants were asked to name the ink colour of the words on the list in a normal Stroop task and in an altered Stroop task, the time taken to finish every list were recorded.  The results shown that naming the ink colour on altered Stroop task reduce the Stroop effect.  This experiment was designed to examine which The ‘Stroop task’ refers to a task where participants are given a list of coloured words and they are asked to name the ink colour for each of the word (Stroop, 1992).  The Stroop effect refers to the delayed reaction time when the colour of the word does not match the name of the word.  How quickly participants are able to name the ink colour is important to psychologists because it tells us something about attention in processing (MacLeod, 1991).  Stroop created a colour word task to investigate interference between conflicting processes and tested this using five words and matching ink colour (blue, red, green, purple and brown).  Stroop found that ‘ words evoked a single reading response, whereas colour evoked multiple responses, thereby making naming colour slower than reading words’ (MacLeod, 1991).  MacLeod (1991) discussed the effects of congruence on the task, he suggested that if the ink colour and the word are the same the speed of processing, naming its colour, will increase. On the other hand, if the ink colour differ from the word then the performance of naming colour is impaired.  Cattell (1886) suggests that word reading is an automatic response.  Reading the words is a simple and dominant process, when we see a word, we automatically read it but is not the same for naming colours. 
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